Świdry, former Tarchominek

Autor: dr Adam Jankiewicz    

Świdry, former Tarchominek

A village in the past owned by nobility on the Vistula River route from Warsaw to Jabłonna, in the vicinity of Bródnowska Kępa directly opposite Bielany, between Tarchomin and Żerań (Żyrań), and in close proximity to the old “Piekiełko” (Little Hell) Inn. In the 16th century it was about 9 ha. in size. It got its name from the owner’s name, Świderski. From the second half of the 17th century it belonged to the Order of the Camaldolese in Bielany, and at the end of the 18th century it was bought by king Stanisław August Poniatowski’s secretary, F. Frieso. At the beginning of the 19th century there were 12 houses with 146 inhabitants in the Świdry village by the Vistula. During the period of enfranchisement there were 17 farms on 84 ha. of land. The village was included in Tarchominek, until 1951 it was part of the Jabłonna commune, and later was incorporated into Warsaw. Świdry Nowe (New Świdry, Old Świdry) colony was created near the old village at the turn of the 20th century.

The project ‘Protecting the habitats of priority bird species of the Vistula Valley under conditions of intensive pressure of the Warsaw agglomeration’ (wislawarszawska.pl) has received a grant from the Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE+) and from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.